• 2013年8月29日




    根据沈颖的照片,国宴曲目单上有一首新加坡作品《小东西》(英文曲名为 It’s the Little Things)。但今天的《联合早报》却将这首歌的中文名写为《那些点点滴滴》。《联合早报》没有解释为何中文曲名会有不同。

    不过,经查询,《It’s the Little Things》这首曲子,是2009年新加坡国庆主题曲,根据歌词,军乐队将之翻译成“小东西”似乎不准确,“那些点点滴滴”则切合歌词。


    It’s the Little Things

    Over the years, I've grown to be a part of you
    You've cared for me and opened the way to a happy and beautiful life
    You make me feel warm and safe and give me hope for brighter days

    It's the little things that we share, the love and joy that's in the air
    The children's laughter everywhere, and all our favourite things

    Over the years, I've grown accustomed to your ways
    And no matter where I'll be, it warms my heart to know that
    You're always here for me

    ( Repeat Chorus )

    Over the years, I've learnt we share a destiny
    And no matter how good others may be
    No one cares like you care for me
    Cause deep down inside I feel you're a part of me
    My Singapore, the place that I call my Home